  • 折叠屏会成为引领未来的新技术吗?Many have longed for lightweight, durable, and flexible touch screen devices, thanks to science fiction. While some seem impossible to make, the tri-folding tablets in the US sci-fi TV series Westworld look like something we could go buy so

  • 上海垃圾分类时代已至,其他城市还远吗?Many Chinese cities are introducing garbage-sorting regulations.CFPIf you live in Shanghai, you might have to take a “lesson” in sorting garbage, as the city recently introduced new garbage-sorting regulations.如果你生活在上海,你或许得上

  • 中国成留学第三大目的地国More and more students from around the world are choosing China as their study destination. XINHUAAs graduates around the world prepared to begin their academic and professional careers in 2018, Kelley Reardon decided to step out of her com

  • 为什么是这部韩国电影问鼎今年戛纳?The most successful parasites are those that are never recognized by their hosts. Instead, they make their hosts do the work for them.最厉害的寄生虫绝不会被宿主们发现,还会让宿主为其服务。South Korean director Bong Joon-ho’s newest film, a

  • 茶汤为纸、茶勺作笔,点茶传承人展示宋韵之美VCGYou may have seen a barista pour milk foam into a coffee, upon which a beautiful pattern appears. But have you seen the art in a cup of tea?你或许见过咖啡师把奶泡倒进咖啡,在表面拉出一个美丽的图案。但在茶汤上,你见过这种艺术吗?Dian cha i
