
   2014-07-07 0
核心提示:囧事一箩筐:没有最囧只有更囧!   1、英国女子称因“太幸福”被迫辞职   Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse. Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful t



  Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse. Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful they are ruining her life – and have forced her to quit her job.

  Five boys are suspected of starting a fire that wrecked their school on the eve of the new term.Pupils were yesterday faced with the prospect of coursework having been destroyed in the blaze at Leyland St Mary’s Catholic Technology College in Lancashire.

  The 200-metre-high InTempo towers in Benidorm were billed as ’a vision of the future’ and a symbol of Spain’s reemergence from a crippling financial crisis. With 47 floors of living space it was intended to be the tallest residential building in Europe. But with only months until it is due for completion, contrators have hit upon a slight problem. They forgot to build a lift.

  4、法国5名醉酒青年 绑架羊驼拍照留念
  It’s settled: Llamas are the ultimate party animals. A particularly adventurous llama named Serge proved as much when the animal -- assisted by a group of five intoxicated young men -- fled a circus in Bordeaux early Thursday morning to tour the town.

  When Clark Kent wanted to transform into Superman, it was a fairly simple task. He would step into a phone box, spin around and the switch would be complete. But Herbert Chavez’s change into the comic book hero has taken a bit longer - through 19 plastic surgeries over 16 years.

  6、利比里亚高考 2.5万考生竟无一通过
  Liberia’s education minister says she finds it hard to believe that not a single candidate passed this year’s university admission exam.

  A China zoo has been forced to apologise after it tried to pass off a dog as a lion. Angry visitors to the People’s Park in Luohe, Henan province, complained when the ’African lion’ started barking.

  8、英国马拉松数千选手跑错路 仅1人完赛
  5,000 runners have been told they fell short of completing a marathon last month by just 264m because of an organisational blunder. Organisers said the marshalling error meant all but one of the competitors did not complete the full marathon. Jake Harrison, who won the event, took the correct route along Sunderland’s Stadium of Light.

  True love can take many forms. In this case, it has taken the form of an Australian artist marrying a 600-year-old French bridge.Jodi Rose took her love for the structures to another level as she wedded the Le Pont du Diable Bridge in Céret, southern France.

  10、超重男坐飞机要买两张票 座位却不在一起
  Before he boarded the plane, 37stone Les Price had already been forced to pay for an extra ticket. The airline’s rules for passengers weighing more than 20 stone required him to buy two seats for himself. But when he got on board, insult was added to injury. For a dismayed Mr Price found his seats for the flight to Ireland were not even next to each other – they were either side of another traveller’s seat.

  真人哈利波特问路 路人爆笑反应

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