国外囧事: 西红柿涨价威胁巴西总统连任

   2014-07-07 0
核心提示:  President Dilma Rousseff may be among the world’s most popular presidents but her re-election next year is being jeopardised by a formidable opponent: the humble tomato.  巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(Dilma

  President Dilma Rousseff may be among the world’s most popular presidents but her re-election next year is being jeopardised by a formidable opponent: the humble tomato.

  巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)可能是世界上支持率最高的总统之一,但她明年竞选连任的前景正受到一个可怕对手的威胁:不起眼的西红柿。
  The price of tomatoes is partly seasonal, but is also symptomatic of rising inflation. It is as sensitive in Brazil – in particular in São Paulo and its state of the same name – as onions in India because of the foodstuff’s status as a staple in a region whose Italian roots run deep.
  Bad weather this year has driven tomato prices up by about threefold, provoking protests from restaurateurs in a city known for the country’s best pizzas and pastas. It has thrown a spotlight on nagging inflation .
  “I’ve had this restaurant for 48 years and this has been the worst price rise I have seen,” said Walter Taverna, whose restaurant is a fixture of São Paulo’s Italian district, Bixiga.
  餐厅老板瓦尔特塔韦尔纳(Walter Taverna)表示:“我经营这家餐厅已经有48年,这是我见过的最严重涨价。”他的餐厅已经成为圣保罗市意大利区Bixiga的一道固定风景线。
  He said he had resorted to buying imported tomato purée from Italy.
  Inflation is a highly emotive issue in Brazil because of the country’s struggle during earlier decades with runaway price rises of up to 2,500 per cent.
  The inflation rate remains well below that of other emerging nations, such as neighbouring Argentina, where it is more than 24 per cent. But last month it hit 6.59 per cent, breaching the top of the central bank’s target range of 4.5 per cent plus or minus 2 percentage points.
  Although analysts expect it to moderate later in the year, it will continue to pose challenges for Ms Rousseff as she tries to kick-start an economy that grew less than 1 per cent last year.
  She owes much of her popularity rating of 78 per cent to the record low unemployment rate but any inflation shocks will undermine voters’ feelings of wellbeing ahead of elections next year.
  That is why at Ceagesp, São Paulo’s central market for fruit and vegetables, the tomato is the dominant topic of conversation among traders.

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