• “神探夏洛克”回归
    Holmes is back again “神探夏洛克”回归   It seems fans of the BBC hit series Sherlock aren’t the only ones who find the death of the titular character hard to accept.   仿佛并非只有BBC热门剧集《神探夏洛
  • 《控制》:讲述阴谋与救赎的故事
    Everyone wants control《控制》:讲述阴谋与救赎的故事  It’s bad luck getting involved in a crime without knowing why. So imagine how terrible it is to be controlled all the time without being able to brea
  • 星星大结局,你有“叫兽假”吗?
    星星大结局,你有“叫兽假”吗?近日,厦门一化妆品公司负责人利用微博公开表示,将为员工放半天至一天的“叫兽假”,让他们得以同步观看韩国大热剧集《来自星星的你》的大结局。 据悉,苏先生所在的公司共有两百多名员工,而在24
  • 《霍比特人2》:期许续集的完美
    Long journey to victory《霍比特人2》:期许续集的完美Last year’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey — the prequel to thetrilogy The Lord of the Rings — was quite a success at the box office (it reached abo
  • 穿越时空爱上你: 美中韩虐心穿越剧大盘点
    Time travel wins fans穿越时空爱上你: 美中韩虐心穿越剧大盘点America美国The Time Traveler`s Wife《工夫旅行者的妻子》The Time Traveler`s Wife is a film based on the bestselling novel by US author Audrey Ni
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    第86届奥斯卡金像奖完整获奖名单: BestPicture最佳影片 TwelveYearsASlave《为奴十二年》 Actor(inaLeadingRole)最佳男主角 MatthewMcConaughey,DallasBuyersClub马修·麦康纳《达拉斯买家俱乐部》 Actress(inaLeadingRol
  • 热追英美剧,中国人最爱哪部?
    What do an eccentric British detective, a cut-throat Washington pol and a bunch of nerds at Caltech have in common? 一个怪异的英国侦察、一个残酷的华盛顿政客,以及一帮加州理工学院的神经大条,会有什么共同
  • 《真探》:时下最好看的美剧?
    Duo on hunt for truth 《真探》:时下最好看的美剧? I’m usually skeptical whenever I read such words from critics as “the best” or “the greatest”. So, I didn’t quite buy it when True Detective, HBO’s crime
  • 美剧季中档:老剧强势回归
    If some of your favorite US television series are currently on a break and you’re upset about having to wait several weeks or even months for the next episode, don’t be. A handful of new and returning
  • 《生活大爆炸》等多部美剧下架 且看且珍惜
    《生活大爆炸》等多部美剧下架 且看且珍惜  Video streaming websites in China have been ordered to stop showing four popular American TV shows, including The Big Bang Theory and The Good Wife.   中国多家视
  • 《冰雪奇缘》:颠覆迪斯尼童话定义
    “Frozen” breaks with tradition 《冰雪奇缘》:颠覆迪斯尼童话定义 A beautiful princess with magical powers, an adorable snowman withbuck teeth and a carrot for a nose, and a picture-perfect prince. These c
  • 迪塞尔在保罗车祸现场演讲:希望好兄弟仍在
    迪塞尔在保罗车祸现场演讲:希望好兄弟仍在   Vin Diesel finally broke his silence on the death of his friend Paul Walker last night -- arriving at the crash site and thanking mourners for "showing that a
  • 张艺谋身陷“超生门”
    Director’s paternity sparks debate 张艺谋身陷“超生门”  Family planning authorities confirmed on Monday that film director Zhang Yimou fathered three children out of wedlock, ending months of speculati
  • 《无人区》:冲破喜剧传统的贺岁片
    Unusual comedy《无人区》:冲破喜剧传统的贺岁片  When it comes to a Chinese holiday film that is directed by Ning Hao and stars Xu Zheng, 41, and Huang Bo, 39, it’s easy to expect another no-brainer comed
  • 《速度与激情》男主角保罗•沃克车祸身亡
    《速度与激情》男主角保罗沃克车祸身亡   Actor Paul Walker died in a car crash in Santa Clarita, Calif., on Saturday (Nov. 30). He was 40 years old.   《速度与激情》男主角保罗·沃克于美国当地工夫周六(11月30
  • 《爸爸去哪儿》落幕,为啥这么火?
    《爸爸去哪儿》落幕,为啥这么火?  Where Are We Going, Dad? presents a new generation of men who, in a break from Chinese tradition, now take an active role in their children’s lives.   综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿
  • 《私人订制》:惊喜还是意外?
    Feng’s comedy surprises《私人订制》:惊喜还是意外?  “What you don’t dare imagine, we dare to do.” The slogan of Personal Tailor, Feng Xiaogang’s latest comedy project, not only introduces the film’s basi
  • 《等风来》:你若等候,清风自来
    Breeze of memories 《等风来》:你若等候,清风自来   Critically acclaimed or not, well received by audiences or not, the film Up in the Wind is undoubtedly going to be compared with Love Is Not Blind, the
  • 王诗龄“撞脸”天后,撞脸英语怎么说?
    王诗龄“撞脸”天后,撞脸英语怎么说?  近日,有网友在微博上传了两张李湘和王岳伦的女儿王诗龄参加《爸爸去哪儿》的截图和王菲的童年照,王诗龄和王菲看起来眉目之间颇为神似,王菲也在该条微博下评论“哈哈有”,还配上了一个
  • 探秘大溪地:佟丽娅陈思诚婚礼之地
    探秘大溪地   Celebrated as the "island of love", Tahiti is the French territory’s administrative and commercial backbone. Its breezy cosmopolitan capital, Papeete, sits on Tahiti’s northeastern tip an