• 矮种萌马穿毛衣 当苏格兰观光大使
      Never mind the historic castles, rolling countryside, famous lochs, St. Andrews golf course, renowned culinary dishes and the fact that England’s royal family loves to vacation there.   忘了城堡古迹
  • 金发已过时 男人更爱娶深发女做老婆
    Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. Gentlemen may no longer prefer blondes - according to research.  Gentlemen no longer prefer blondes - with most believing brunettes make better wives and girlfriends,
  • 爆笑盘点:最“中国”的英文地名翻译
      国外地名与中国地名中英对照时的重合,爆笑。  都说Pearl harbour是“ 珍珠港”的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译: 蚌埠。  都说Greenland是“格陵兰”的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译:青岛。  都说Deep River是宇多田光的专辑,其
  • 大嗓门有用武之地!成为观察员赶走北极熊
      If you have a loud voice and aren’t too scared of large animals then you may be interested in a new polar bear spotting job that has become available.   如果你有个大嗓门,而且你并不是很恐惧大型动物,
  • 新西兰禁止给孩子取怪名 “法官”一名被拒62次
      New Zealand officials have released a list of baby names put forward by parents that were rejected because they were too bizarre or offensive, including "Lucifer" and "Mafia No Fear".  新西兰官员公
  • 自带照相机出门的小猫(图)
        在Cooper照片展览上   Ever wonder what the cat gets up to when you let it out? Well, now you know, thanks to the amazing Cooper - the feline photographer.   你想明白猫猫平时都去哪里玩嘛?让Cooper这
  • 英国票选最丑动物 深海水滴鱼夺冠
    Blobfish wins ugliest animal vote 英国票选最丑动物 深海水滴鱼夺冠   The grumpy-looking, gelatinous blobfish has won a public vote to become the official mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.
  • 吓死爹超雷人的人体塑像(图)
      American street artist Mark Jenkins creates disconcerting, lifelike mannequin scupltures and install.  American street artist Mark Jenkins creates disconcerting, lifelike mannequin scupltures and in
  • 小狗形状酷似希特勒爆红网络
    Meet the furry Fuhrer!小狗形状酷似希特勒爆红网络  When Lynda Whitehead introduced her new puppy Patch to her family, she didn’t realise quite how much of a führer he would cause.  当琳达将小狗丁丁带回
  • 囧事一箩筐:没有最囧只有更囧
    囧事一箩筐:没有最囧只有更囧!   1、英国女子称因“太幸福”被迫辞职   Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse. Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful t
  • 国外囧事: 西红柿涨价威胁巴西总统连任
      President Dilma Rousseff may be among the world’s most popular presidents but her re-election next year is being jeopardised by a formidable opponent: the humble tomato.  巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(Dilma
  • 养狗者和养猫者性格大对比
      Dog people are 50% more likely to be conservative  养狗的人更保守  Cat people skew liberal  养猫的人更不拘小节  Dog people are 23% more likely to have an iPhone  养狗的人多用iPhone  Cat people are 7
  • 围观:甄嬛传恶搞翻译与正经翻译大对比
      对于《甄嬛传》里的经典台词,有10年翻译经验,重庆灏华博盛翻译公司同声传译员程灏然给出了他的翻译,并解释了缘由。  1、贱人真是矫情  搞笑版:bitch is so bitch。  正解:Bitch is so bitching。  解读:bitch意指贱人。后
  • 爆笑:东方不败甄嬛会怎么翻译I Love You
        日本作家夏目漱石有一次让他的学生翻译“I Love You”,有学生翻译成我爱你。夏目说,日本人怎么可能讲这样的话,“今夜月色很好”就充足了。这段风雅的文坛轶事,昨天稀里糊涂成了网络段子手吐槽的范本,什么李云迪说“找力
  • 英国警察蜀黍爱卖萌:冒充警犬写个证词
      Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog.  英国某警局的警察因为以警犬的名义而开玩笑地填写证词而被调查。  Officers became exasperated when
  • 猫咪囧研究:你家的喵星人在学你的各种习惯
      It's a common belief that over time pet owners start to look like their animals. Now comes the terrifying news that cats look up to their owners as role models and mimic their behavior.  人们普遍认
  • 流言终结者验证《泰坦尼克号》杰克之死:他是笨死的
      It is a debate that has raged since Titanic became one of the most successful films of all time: Did Rose leave Jack to die by not letting him up on the makeshift lifeboat as they floated in the oce
  • 研究:为什么丑男热衷追美女
      Men hit on hotties despite their own unattractiveness, study confirms.  最新的一项研究证明了人们的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。  "You're prettier than I am," Seth Rogen'
  • 研究:过度烦恼可引发炎症
    Worrying too much? Researchers found dwelling on negative events can increase levels of inflammation in the body.  Worrying too much about stressful events can trigger inflammation, according to a new
  • 后愚人节效应: 最佳愚人节笑话
    Stick a bunch of smart engineers in a room to build a product and you're bound to get a few funny ideas.让一帮智慧的工程师呆在一间屋子里研发一件产品,你肯定能收获些有趣的想法。  April Fool's is typicall