韩国结婚人数十年下降40% 想结婚的女性比例降至28%South Korean marriages down by 40% in just 10 years

   2024-03-15 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:韩国统计厅新近发布的数据显示,韩国结婚人数在过去十年间下降了40%之多。韩国年轻人的结婚意愿也大幅降低,想要结婚的韩国女性比例只有28%。 Photo/Pexe





The number of marriages recorded in South Korea saw a drop of 40 percent over the last ten years, giving pause to the government which is already dealing with a declining birthrate.



The number of marriages recorded in 2023 was 193,673 while it was 322,807 in 2013 – which shows a decrease of 40 percent within a decade.



According to data from the December 2023 Population Trends Survey by Statistics Korea, last year South Korea experienced significant demographic shifts which were characterised by declines in marriage and birth rates.



Another alarming trend, according to the survey, was the sharp fall in second births, which dropped to 91,700 in 2023 – the first time this number has gone below 100,000. This decline is part of a broader trend of decreasing fertility, with the number of second and subsequent births having plummeted by 40 percent since 2018.



Financial concerns, notably the cost of wedding expenses and housing, are the primary barriers to marriage for many South Koreans in their 20s and 30s, the survey says. These economic challenges surpass other reasons for not marrying, such as a lack of interest in marriage or concerns about the burdens of childbirth and childcare.



The study disclosed that in 2022, around one-third of South Koreans aged 19 to 34 harboured favourable opinions on marriage, which was a departure from the sentiment in 2012 when over half – 56.5 percent – of this demographic viewed marriage positively.



Breaking it down by gender, 43.8 percent of men were in favour of marriage, in contrast to 28 percent of women – a significant decline from the previous rates of 66.1 percent for men and 46.9 percent for women.



And age-wise, a significant change has occurred among Koreans in their 20s, with a diminishing inclination towards marriage. The marriage rate for those aged 25 to 29 fell from 59.5 percent in 2012 to 36.1 percent in 2022. In the meantime, people aged 30 to 34 displayed the strongest proclivity towards marriage, at 39.2 percent, although this was a decrease from 54.3 percent seen ten years earlier.



In 2021, a striking 97.1 percent of children in South Korea were born within wedlock, a rate significantly higher than the OECD average of 60 percent, as per Hankyoreh Shimbun. This means that there is a direct correlation between marriage rates and birth rates in the country, highlighting how changes in the former directly impact the latter.



The decrease in marriages and births is further compounded by the increasing average age of marriage and childbirth, with the average age of women giving birth in 2023 reaching a historic high of 33.6 years.



This demographic shift has contributed to South Korea’s total fertility rate falling to a record low of 0.72 in 2023, indicating that only 72 children were born for every 100 couples.



This rate varies regionally, with Seoul recording the lowest fertility rate at 0.55.






标签: 生育率 出生率
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