后愚人节效应: 最佳愚人节笑话

   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:Stick a bunch of smart engineers in a room to build a product and you're bound to get a few funny ideas.让一帮智慧的工程师呆在一间屋子里研发一件产品,你肯定能收获些有趣的想法。  April Fool's is typicall

Stick a bunch of smart engineers in a room to build a product and you're bound to get a few funny ideas.

  April Fool's is typically the time when tech-heavy companies decide to unleash those ideas -- for better or worse -- onto the Web.
  Below are a few of the best from the Web. Find any others? Let us know about them in the comments.
  Bing is Google? -- We're feeling confused. Go to the Bing homepage and search 'Google.' You'll see what we mean in a second.
  Twttr fnd wys t gt mny -- Twitter said it was 'shifting' to a two-tiered service, in which it would charge users $5 a month for a premium service to use both consonants and vowels in tweets. The free version won't include vowels:
  Hand-written results from Wolfram Alpha -- The math-juiced search engine now promises its results will come hand-written.
  来自Wolfram Alpha的手写搜索结果──精于数学计算的搜索引擎Wolfram Alpha现在承诺,它将以手写方式将搜索结果展示出来。
  Treasure hunting -- Like last year, Google has a special mod for Google Maps today, turning it into a giant treasure map like the ones you would see in pirate movies. Swapping to street view is the equivalent of looking through a spyglass. Give it a whirl.
  搜寻宝藏──像去年一样,谷歌周一这天也将对谷歌地图(Google Maps)进行特别处理,将其转变成一张巨大的藏宝图,就像你在海盗电影中看到的那种。观看谷歌街景能得到相当于从一架小望远镜里向外看的视觉效果。来试试吧。
  YouTube shutting down -- Apparently YouTube as we know it was an eight year-long contest to find the greatest video on the Internet. Having received enough 'submissions,' YouTube will 'shut down' tonight as judges determine which was the best video on the Internet. This one actually fooled quite a bit of people on Twitter.
  Google Nose -- 'Sometimes, they're not looking at all.' There's a new 'service' from Google that will let users 'search' for smells.
  谷歌鼻子(Google Nose)──有时分,你根本不用眼睛。谷歌推出一项新“服务”,通过这项服务用户可以“搜索”气味。
  Nokia reinvents the microwave -- The Finnish company isn't stopping with mobile phones to jump-start itself. Its newest product is a touch-screen microwave oven that, like its phones, appears to be based on Microsoft's Windows software.
  A 3-D printer for kids -- We wish these products were real. ThinkGeek is offering fun products for the whole family, including a Play-Doh 3-D Printer, and for 'Lord of the Rings' fans, an Eye of Sauron Desk Lamp, complete with a 'roving eye that will watch you while you work.'
  儿童专用3D打印机──我们希望这些产品是真实存在的。网上零售商ThinkGeek将推出家用乐趣产品,其中包括培乐多缤纷彩泥(Play-Doh)3D打印机, 还将推出为电影《指环王》(Lord of the Rings)的影迷准备的乐趣产品,“黑暗之君“索伦之眼台灯,它包括一个“在你工作时观察你的顾盼之眼”。
  Upload Imgur images by snail mail -- Instead of directly uploading a photo through the Web to image hosting site Imgur, you can now 'mail' it to the site.
  Chatting with emoticons -- Words are so 2012. Hipchat has a new service called Emotichat that translates your messages entirely into emoticons, complete with a passive-aggressive detector.

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