
   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:  Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog.  英国某警局的警察因为以警犬的名义而开玩笑地填写证词而被调查。  Officers became exasperated when

  Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog.

  Officers became exasperated when prosecutors asked for an account of a crime from a ‘PC Peach’, not realising Peach was the name of a police dog.
  So they completed the form as if it had been written by the alsatian, and signed it with a paw print.
  The dog’s statement read: ‘I chase him. I bite him. Bad man. He tasty. Good boy. Good boy Peach.’
  The form was pinned up at a West Midlands Police station last week for the amusement of colleagues, who are often at odds with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) over the handling of cases.
  Another officer took a photo of the statement and it found its way to a ‘cop humour’ page on Facebook on Friday.
  The image was later deleted but the dog section of a different force, West Yorkshire, enjoyed it so much they posted the image on Twitter in a tweet that was shared more than 150 times.
  The CPS, however, failed to see the funny side. Officials are believed to have complained to police that their mistake has been turned into a very public joke.
  This is being considered by West Midlands Police’s Professional Standards Department and the officer who shared the picture, PC Mark Tissington, referred himself to the internal discipline unit. Sources say he is unlikely to be reprimanded.
  西米德兰兹郡警局的专业标准部门表示将调查此事,分享该照片的警察Mark Tissington也将接受内部纪律调查,不过有消息称他不会因此事受到训斥。
  DCI Julian Harper, from West Midlands Police, said: 'The Professional Standards Department is looking into this, early enquiries suggest it is a light-hearted exchange as a result of a misunderstanding around a police dog and a police officer. The matter will be investigated.'
  西米德兰兹郡警局的总督察Julian Harper表示:“专业标准部门正在调查此事,我们从此前的问询中得知,这是一次由于对警犬和警察产生误解的轻松交流。我们将对此事进行调查。”

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