成都版“忠犬八公” 车站苦等寻主人

   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:Loyal dog searches for his missing owner 成都版“忠犬八公” 车站苦等寻主人   成都一只小狗近日受到人们的关注,最近几周里,它每天都等候在与主人分别的车站,搜遍每一辆公交车,试图寻找失踪主人的气息。   Every day

Loyal dog searches for his missing owner
成都版“忠犬八公” 车站苦等寻主人



  Every day for the last two weeks, Huang Huang the dog has repeated the same tragic routine.


  Scratching and sniffing from seat to seat, the lonely pooch scours a bus in the desperate yet futile hope of picking up his missing master`s scent. But his master never comes.


  In a heart-breaking refusal to face the inevitable truth that he has almost certainly been abandoned, the loyal mongrel has returned to the same bus stop, in Chengdu, southwest China, every day for the past 15 days.


  Every day he has waited patiently in line for the bus to arrive, boarded with other passengers and then scoured the seats, whimpering as he goes.


  Drivers say he spends ten hours every day searching any bus that passes. But finally, as night falls, he gives up and disappears into the darkness, only to return the next day to start again.


  According to bus staff interviewed by local paper Huaxi Metropolis Daily, Huang Huang has appeared at the stop, at the carpark outside the Guangyan temple, consistently for the past 15 days.


  `Every day I go to Guangyan temple five times, and every day that dog will hop on board my bus to give it an inspection,` a ticket seller named only as Yang told the Huaxi Metropolis Daily. `At first I thought it was looking for food, but I later realised that it was looking for its owner.`


  And he`s has now become something of a local celebrity in Chengdu after one commuter filmed his painstaking searches on a mobile phone and posted it online. Though his newfound fame will be of scant consolation to the lonely hound as his owner is yet to be found.


  A conductor named Fung said he thought he had seen Huang Huang standing with his owner in the car park around a month ago. But he said he has not seen him since. He said he has considered taking Huang Huang home with him but so far feels that may be premature.


  `We’re worried that its owner might be looking for it and might come back to it,` Fung said. `Such a loyal dog … Who would be willing to part with it?`


  `I can only hope that it’ll quickly be reunited with its owner and won’t have to wait here at the bus stop every day.`


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