
   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:Director’s paternity sparks debate 张艺谋身陷“超生门”  Family planning authorities confirmed on Monday that film director Zhang Yimou fathered three children out of wedlock, ending months of speculati

Director’s paternity sparks debate


  Family planning authorities confirmed on Monday that film director Zhang Yimou fathered three children out of wedlock, ending months of speculation that he had fathered as many as seven children by various mothers.
  本周一,相关计生部门确认导演张艺谋非婚生育两子一女属实。至此,数月来有关张艺谋 “四妻七子”的传闻终于水落石出。

  Zhang admitted to having three children with his current wife, Chen Ting, and he apologized on Sunday evening in a statement posted on his studio`s micro blog.

  The apology came amid growing concerns about whether celebrities like Zhang can dodge the punishments of family planning laws.

  "We hope that the party involved will continue to cooperate with the investigation and accurately declare his income in the birth year of each child. We will handle the case according to the law and in time will announce the result," an official with the family planning bureau in Binhu district of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, which is the hometown of Zhang`s wife, said in an online statement.

  According to family planning regulations in Jiangsu province, couples who give birth before their marriage is registered face the same fines as married couples who violate the family planning policies - five to eight times the average annual income of the area in which the children were born.

  If a couple`s annual income is more than double the area`s average income, the couple will be subject to additional fines.

  Chen Yuan, a lawyer from Guangzhou, said the couple in this case are unlikely to face a huge fine of 160 million yuan ($26 million), as published in some media reports.

  An authority with Wuxi`s commission of population and family planning who spoke on condition of anonymity said that it is difficult to investigate celebrities` incomes because of the country`s faulty taxation system, and Zhang, therefore, may not be fined in accordance with his real income.

  Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly reported that Zhang, 62, had at least seven children by several women - an ex-wife, two mistresses and Chen, a former dancer who is 31 years his junior.

  In the statement posted on the studio`s micro blog, Zhang denied that he had seven children and said that "some people with ulterior motives" followed his children for two years and fabricated rumors that "severely interfere with the daily lives" of his family members.
  在艺谋工作室的微博声明中,张艺谋否认了育有七子的传闻,并表示近两年来,一些“别有认真的人” 跟踪自己的子女,散布谣言,“严重干扰了家人的日常生活”。

  The incident has caught public attention more than other cases of family planning violations as it exposes the social divide between rich and poor and fuels concerns that the policy has lost its constraining effect on celebrities, experts say.

  "This incident shows that the policy is not equally effective for celebrities," Lu Jiehua, a professor of demography at Peking University, said. "Nor is it effective for migrant workers, the self-employed or people living in remote areas, to my knowledge."

  China`s family planning policy has been in place for more than three decades. Most couples have been restricted to only one child since 1980.

  But the policy has been loosened over time. A second child was allowed, for example, for some rural families whose first child was a girl, as well as for ethnic groups and for couples who are both only children.

  The policy was further relaxed last month, when the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee decided that if just one spouse is an only child, the couple may have two children.

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