三月金融数据超预期 信贷投放靠前发力China's Q1 new yuan loans hit record high of 10.6 trln yuan

   2023-04-13 中国日报网英语点津0


A cashier at a bank in Taiyuan, Shanxi province counts renminbi notes. [Photo/China News Service]


China's new yuan-denominated loans hit a record high of 10.6 trillion yuan during the first quarter of the year, up 2.27 trillion yuan from a year ago, central bank data showed Tuesday.



In March, new yuan-denominated loans totaled 3.89 trillion yuan. The figure showed an increase of 749.7 billion yuan from the same period last year, according to the People's Bank of China.



The M2 increased 12.7 percent year on year to 281.46 trillion yuan at the end of last month. The growth rate was 0.2 percentage points lower than the figure seen at the end of February and was 3 percentage points higher than that for the same period last year.



Newly added social financing came in at 14.53 trillion yuan during the first quarter, marking an increase of 2.47 trillion yuan from the same period last year.



In the first quarter, total yuan deposits increased by 15.39 trillion yuan, up 4.54 trillion yuan from a year ago.




结构性货币政策工具 structural monetary policy tools

信托资产 trust assets

投资收益 investment income

绿色债券 green bonds


(来源:新华社  编辑:yaning)

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