法国或将禁用中性词汇以保护法语France could ban 'confusing' gender neutral words that 'endanger the lang

   2021-02-26 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:随着女性地位的提高,中性词汇的使用逐渐普及并改写着现代语言,然而法国议会近日提出的一项法案却认为应该禁用中性词汇,从而保护法国语言不受威胁。 A teacher



A teacher, wearing a protective face mask, teaches to students in a classroom at the College Henri Matisse school during its reopening in Nice as French children return to their schools after the summer break with protective face masks and social distancing as part of efforts to curb a resurgence of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) across France, September 1, 2020. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard


France could ban 'confusing' gender inclusive words under a new law proposed by 60 MPs.



The MPs argue that the gender inclusive nouns make learning proper French more difficult and could even endanger the entire language.



The new legislation was proposed by MP François Jolivet and close allies of President Emmanuel Macron.



The MPs claim that the gender neutral words 'create a gap between the spoken language and written language.'



'It is therefore the whole of French linguistic heritage which risks disappearing,' they said in a statement quoted by the Telegraph.



'The fight for equality between women and men is fair. The road it takes is sometimes confusing.



'Do the rules of grammar no longer exist?'



Concerns have also been raised over the accessibility of the grammar changes for people who are blind or have learning difficulties.



The proposed law will be debated in the national assembly in the coming weeks.



Proponents of 'écriture inclusive' argue that it prevents the erasure of females from the French language.



Currently, a French grammar rule taught in schools dictates that the masculine plural of nouns 'always wins'.



The masculine plural of friends, 'amis', is used to refer to both women and men, even if the majority of the group is female.



The feminine plural, 'amies', would only be used if everyone in the group was female.





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