
   2018-11-30 21英语网0
核心提示:US singer Ariana Grande is Billboard’s 2018 Woman of the Year. TNSAriana Grande is coming off a rough year and a half that have seen her dealing with terrible events.爱莉安娜·格兰德在这艰难的一年半中处理了许多糟心事,如今这一切都要过去了

US singer Ariana Grande is Billboard’s 2018 Woman of the Year. TNS

Ariana Grande is coming off a rough year and a half that have seen her dealing with terrible events.

On May 22 last year, a terror attack at her concert in Manchester, UK killed 22 people and injured hundreds. In August this year, her ex-boyfriend, US rapper Mac Miller died, three months after they broke up. And last month, Grande called off her engagement to US comedian Pete Davidson.

On Nov 3, the 25-year-old US singer dropped a new song Thank U, Next. The song is her first No 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. In it, Grande thanks her ex-boyfriends for what they taught her. As she sings at the beginning, “One taught me love, one taught me patience, and one taught me pain.” The song ends with Grande saying she’s begun a new, fulfilling relationship – with herself. “I’ve learned from the pain,” she sings. “I turned out amazing.”

So, it seems unsurprising that the music industry is honoring Grande. After all, she has pulled herself together and made an amazing comeback. On Nov 6, she was named the Billboard’s 2018 Woman of the Year. On Dec 6, she will receive the award at the 13th annual Women in Music event in New York.

“Ariana Grande is a star on her own terms, never bending to any particular … path in the industry,” wrote Ross Scarano, Billboard’s vice-president of content. “Certain in her convictions, she consistently stands up for herself and her decisions in a world that often isn’t hospitable to that sort of strength in young women. She’s got guts, she’s making some of the best music of her career.”

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