
   2017-05-10 21英语网0
核心提示:You may not know him as well as an entertainment celebrity, but chances are that you have visited or walked by at least one of his works. The JFK Presidential Library in Boston, US (1979), the Louvre Pyramid in Paris (1989), the Bank of Chi

You may not know him as well as an entertainment celebrity, but chances are that you have visited or walked by at least one of his works. The JFK Presidential Library in Boston, US (1979), the Louvre Pyramid in Paris (1989), the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong (1990) and the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar (2008), are just a few of his many creations.

The man behind these landmark buildings is Chinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei. He turned 100 on April 26.

Described as “a living legend” by The Architectural Digest, Pei is famous for his talent of bridging what seem to be opposite ideas – ancient and modern, man-made and natural, East and West. And this is thought to be down to being born and spending the first 18 years of his life in China before going to the US to study architecture at the MIT and Harvard.
贝聿铭被《建筑文摘》称为“活着的传奇”,因其能将看起来截然相反的概念—— 古典与现代、人造与自然、西方与东方 —— 结合起来而闻名于世。而人们认为这样的才华源于他的生活经历:贝聿铭生于中国, 18岁时远赴美国,先后在麻省理工学院和哈佛大学学习建筑。

“I’ve never left China,” Pei once told the Financial Times, despite identifying himself as “a Western architect”.

Traces of Eastern philosophy can be seen in Pei’s appreciation of empty spaces. He once quoted Chinese philosopher Lao Zi in an interview with People magazine, saying: “The essence of the vessel is in its emptiness”, meaning that buildings should have enough emptiness for people to walk around and relax in.

The harmony and balance between nature and artificial elements are also important in Pei’s designs. “Good architecture lets nature in,” he told People.

This quality of Pei’s earned him a lot of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. One of them is the expansion project of The Louvre.

Emile Biasini, the French official in charge of the project, believed there wasn’t a better choice for the job than Pei. This was because as a Chinese person “he had an understanding of ancient civilization” and as an American “he had a taste for the modern”, Biasini told the Financial Times.
负责该项目的法国官员埃米尔•比亚西尼认为,没有人比贝聿铭更能胜任这项工作了。因为作为一个华人,“他了解古代文明”,而作为一个美国人“他有着现代的品味”, 比亚西尼在接受《金融时报》采访时表示。

But being special can also bring controversies, which was what Pei had to face during the Louvre project. His design of the new entrance – a modern glass-and-steel pyramid – was considered to be an eyesore and too much of a contrast to the museum’s ancient main body, even though the structure has now become one of the most iconic buildings in Paris.
但独具一格也会引来争议,就像卢浮宫项目进行期间贝聿铭所面对的那样。他所设计的新入口 —— 一座现代的玻璃钢筋金字塔 —— 当时被认为辣眼睛,和博物馆古典的主体相当不搭,尽管如今这一建筑已经成为了巴黎最具标志性的建筑之一。

This is why The Guardian said the career of Pei was like he “has walked an architectural tightrope for half a century”.

But Pei doesn’t regret his decisions. To him, staying true to his style is the one thing that he must always do.

“Doctors can bury their mistakes, but architects have to live with theirs,” Pei said to People.

标签: 百岁 传奇
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