byzantine empire

   2024-05-17 0
核心提示:拜占廷帝国,东罗马帝国。byzantine:adj. 1.【历史】拜占廷的;东罗马帝国的。 2.【建 ...empire:n. 1.帝国。 2.帝王统治(权);帝政;绝对

byzantine empire翻译,byzantine empire意思,byzantine empire中文怎么说

byzantine:    adj. 1.【历史】拜占廷的;东罗马帝国的。 2.【建 ...
empire:    n. 1.帝国。 2.帝王统治(权);帝政;绝对统治权 ...
byzantine empire的例句及用法

1.An eparchy was a civil administrative district in the byzantine empire .

2.Pakistan ports were also very active in trade with roman and byzantine empires . the fables of sindbad the sailor , sindbad jahazi sindbad the shipmate , sindbad is sindh - abad are also based on historical sindhi trading expeditions to other parts of southeast asia , africa , red sea and persian gulf
巴基斯坦口岸并且是非常活跃的在换与罗马并且sindbad拜占庭式的empires . the寓言水手是并且基于的信德人贸易的远征对其它东南亚非洲红海,和波斯湾的部份。

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