• 职场必备:销售英语100招(4)
      61. 如何廉价倾销   告诉顾客,其购买量的大小决定折扣的高低:“If you buy more than four pounds, we can allow you ten percent discount”(如果您购买4磅以上,可以打9折)   62. 如何推介品牌   优秀的推销员应当
  • 双语探讨:一张大学文凭值多少美元
      As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there’s growing evidence that the monetary payoff isn’t quite as big as often advertised. The best estimate now is that a college degree is worth 
  • 国际贸易英语词汇集锦二
      贸易方式词汇   stocks 存货,库存量   cash sale 现货   purchase 购买,进货   bulk sale 整批销售,趸售   distribution channels 销售渠道   wholesale 批发   retail trade 零售业   hire-purchase 分期付款购买
  • 职场商务全攻略:行销英语100招
      1. 如何招揽顾客   一般程序:招呼—问候—寻找相关话题—理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应当上前问候一句:“Whatcan I do for you?”或“May I help you?”,也可说:“Can I be of anyass
  • 职场口语:21句英语保你做赢销售
      职场口语:21句英语保你做赢销售   美国的一位销售大师说过:销售就如数学物理化学一样,是一们科学,是可以通过学习学会的,难点不在如何运用,而在如何把握。当然了,销售不只有一种方式,千百个人可能会有千百个不同的方
  • 用简朴英语谈生意25个场景对话
      报价英语 :用简朴英语谈生意   (1)  A: We can offer you this in different levels of quality.  B: Is there much of a difference in price ?  A: Yes ,the economy model is about 30% less.  B: We’ll take t
  • 销售英语常用词汇(J-K)
      J Jaquar 美洲豹   Jell-O 吉露   jobbers 批发商   Johnson & Johnson 强生   joint ventures 合资   jury of executive opinion 行政管理人员群体意见法   just noticeable difference (JND) 恰巧注意到的差异  
  • 职场双语:公司新标识的价值
      公司新标识的价值  Apple - A chic redesign  苹果——时髦的新想象  Talk about a makeover. Just imagine what an iBook or iPhone would look like with this image on it: definitely not as chic.  什么叫彻底
  • 适用英语:拜访采购
      公司里负责采买东西的叫采购,卖东西的叫销售。销售的人自然要拜访采购的人,于是就有了下面的对话。   Part I   A: I’m here to see the purchasing agent.   我是来拜访采购经理的。   B: He’s not in his office at
  • 英语口语关于数量方面精彩句子-销售口语
    For such a big sum, we should attach importance to it. 数目如此之大,我们将予以重视。 Let’s talk about the problem of quantity. 我们谈谈数量的问题吧。 You’ll issue a certificate of quantity and weight.
  • 外贸英语:催款函范文
      催款函是卖放在规定期限内未收到货款,提醒或催促买方付款的函件。  写此类催款函要求文字简练、意思明白;同时要求语气诚恳、体贴,彬彬有理。不可轻易怀疑对方故意拖欠不付,以免伤害对方感情,不利于达到索款的目的,或妨
  • 关于行销英语的100招(一)-销售口语
    1. 如何招揽顾客 一般程序:招呼—问候—寻找相关话题—理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应当上前问候一句:“What can I do for you?”或“May I help you?”,也可说:“Can I be of any assis
  • 打开国外销路技巧适用销售英语20句(上)
      Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.   贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。   We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of the
  • 销售英语适用手册:销售珠宝、工艺纪念品
      Do you like pearls?您喜欢珍珠吗?   You look graceful with this pearl necklace.您戴珍珠项链看起来很高雅。   We have a lot of jade articles here.这有很多玉器。   Do you like this jade bracelet?您喜欢这
  • 面见客户:“秀”出你的英语来!
      会话场景   接机后的次日,Brian在公司里,为Johnathan 介绍自己的老板-Mr. Sun……。   B: Mr. Sun, I’d like you to meet Mr. Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager for Nortern Reflections of Canada.(Sun extends ha
  • 销售英语:常用外贸业务经典适用英文书信
      1.向长期客户推销新产品  I enclose an illustrated supplement toour catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock. We are most gratified that you have, for several yeas. I
  • 销售英语:27种外贸业务英文书信大全[2]
    15. 说明价格调整原因I enclose our new price list , which will come into effect ,from the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have ,however , refrained
  • 超级适用:银行口语十句话
      银行是大家经常要去到的地方。在银行办理业务的时分,不妨顺便背背下面这几句适用口语。   1. I'd like to open an account in your bank. Should I take a number first?  我想在你们银行开户。我要先取号码牌吗?  2.
  • 最常用销售/推销语句及词汇
    Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their super
  • 销售人员常用电话用语
    Using the TelephoneMaking telephone calls is an important part a secretary''s work. When Mr Shelli wants to speak to someone on the telephone, Maria gets the call for him. Today Mr Shelli wants to tal