
   2014-07-28 0
核心提示:一、英文篇  In this conversation, gregory Cosgrove, the CEO of a large telecommunications company, discusses a large-scale reorganization with Gloria Atkinson, his Human Relations manager.   gregory:Gl
  In this conversation, gregory Cosgrove, the CEO of a large telecommunications company, discusses a large-scale reorganization with Gloria Atkinson, his Human Relations manager.
  gregory:Gloria, before I officially announce the reorganization, I want your final feedback.
  Gloria:I’ve gone through the entire plan again, and I’m sure the impact will be minimal, since we’re not planning large-scale firings or lay-offs.

  gregory:That was a key objective from the start. Qualified staff holding positions that are being cut will be offered retraining for our new positions. If they accept, they have the job.
  Gloria:That’s the best policy. Nevertheless, some employees may not want to change career paths in mid-stream, and will probably put in their notice.

  gregory:I know, and we have a very fair compensation package for those who decide to quit. Some people can take advantage of our early retirement package. In the odd case, this may be a good opportunity to can non-performers.
  Gloria:I’ve talked to ER, and there aren’t too many of those any more. Hopefully, we won’t lose people because of the new drug testing regulation, either.

  gregory:This reorganization and the new company policies will make us leaner and meaner. Are the new employee contracts ready?
  Gloria:Yes they are, and all other appropriate forms have been modified. I’ve also set things in motion to revise our orientation process. We’re ready to go!
  gregory:great! I think we’ve covered all the bases. I’ll set up a general meeting for next Monday to make the announcement.

  在以下这段对话中,gregory Cosgrove是一家大型电信公司的首席执行官,而Gloria Atkinson是其人事部的主管。他们正在谈论一次大规模的重组计划。
  Gloria:这真是个不错的做法。但即便是这样,可能会有些人不愿 意中途更换工种,他们仍有可能提出辞呈。

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