
   2014-02-10 0

They're young. They're beautiful. They're just what Curtis is looking for. All they have to do is trust him.


onstage:adj. 台上的,台演出出的 mainstream:n. 主流 stint:v. 紧缩节省

show up:出现,露面 wig:n. 假发 rehearse:v. 预演,排练

James "Thunder" Early (Eddie Murphy) is a pioneer of the new Detroit sound, spellbinding audiences all along the "Chitlin' Circuit" with his electrifying blend of soul and rock 'n' roll. Curtis finesses The Dreamettes a gig singing backup for Early, and suddenly, for all of them, the gulf between what they want and what they can have draws closer for the first time.

Curtis launches the girls as a solo act, rechristening them The Dreams, knowing in his gut that success lies not with the soulful voice of Effie, but with the demure beauty and malleable style of Deena - despite their history, and Curtis' promises. Deena is ready to step into the spotlight, even as Effie fades away.

As a new musical age dawns, Curtis' driving ambition pushes this one-time family to the forefront of an industry in the thrones music revolution. But when the lights come up and curtains part, they hardly recognize who they've become. Their dreams are finally there for taking, but at a price that may be too heavy for their hearts to bear.

Notes:spellbind:v. 迷住,吸引 Chitlin Circuit:(以黑人演员为特色的)黑人夜总会

rock and roll:摇滚 finesse:v. 用计谋处理,用巧计完成

rechristen:v. 再次施洗礼 soulful:adj. 布满热情的,深情的

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