
   2014-02-10 0
核心提示:From the earth to the moon《从地球到月球》Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap 2007年中国最举世瞩目的壮举之一就是成功发射了首颗绕月探测卫星——嫦娥一号。在庆祝这一盛事的同时,让我们来回顾一下人类登月的历程、走

From the earth to the moon《从地球到月球》Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap 2007年中国最举世瞩目的壮举之一就是成功发射了首颗绕月探测卫星——嫦娥一号。在庆祝这一盛事的同时,让我们来回顾一下人类登月的历程、走近那些已属于历史的人物和传奇。经典对白:That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.The queen 《女王》一个过气王妃的死在过去十年的历史中都可视作头等大事。国际政要在她的葬礼致悼词,几乎整个世界都因为她的香消玉殒而恸哭,她的成长经历和私生活一时成为社交话题并且至今仍不断涌现新的细节,还有一首本来不属于她的歌居然因为纪念她而整整一年高踞亚欧美各大音乐榜榜首……《女王》这部电影为您详述英国皇室关于戴妃之死的前前后后。经典对白:Though her own life was often sadly touched by tragedy, she touched the lives of so many others in Britain and throughout the world with joy and with comfort. The people everywhere, not just here in Britain, everywhere, they kept faith with Princess Diana. They liked her. They loved her. They regarded her as one of the people. She was the people's princess and that's how she will... stay, how she will remain... in our hearts and in our memories... forever.That's the way we do things in this country - quietly, with dignity. It's what the rest of the world has always admired us for.The devil wears Prada 《时髦女魔头》Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap 浮华背后布满无奈。很多职场新人都期望着老板能像学校里的老师或者爸爸妈妈那样,能够给与奖励,宽容错误。可惜这里不是可以随便撒娇的家,只有理解你的工作,认同你的工作,努力工作,才能做好工作、得到承认。当然也不要为了工作而忽略一切:它毕竟只是一部分,亲情、友情、爱情……加在一起才能组成一个丰富的人生。经典对白:You are not trying. You are whining.And what they did, what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it. Well, not you, obviously, but some people. You think this is just a magazine, hmm? This is not just a magazine. This is a shining beacon of hope...That's what happens when you start doing well at work, darling. Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion.Bitmap That's your answer for everything lately, "I didn't have a choice." Like this job was forced on you. Like you don't make these decisions yourself.Prison break《越狱》Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap 冤案、监狱、地图文身、形形色色的重刑犯、挖地道逃狱,紧凑的剧情,强烈渲染的气氛,层出不穷的矛盾和悬念……组成了这部风靡美国、也风靡中国的电视剧。哦对了,还有最重要的一点,主角可是帅得不能再帅的型男铁汉。经典对白: There are three things for certain in life==-death, taxes and count. The sooner you face facts, the better off we will all be. You're yesterday's news, John.Sex and the city 《欲望城市》四个单身女人,事业成功,时兴幸福,虽已年轻不再却依然自信魅力十足。在纽约这个茫茫大都市里她们工作、生活、寻爱,现身说法探讨着男女关系这个困扰人类的永恒主题。经典对白: Why are there so many great unmarried women and no great unmarried men? Most men are threatened by successful women. If you want to get these guys, you have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules. Maybe all men are a drug. Sometimes they bring you down and sometimes, like now, they get you so high. In a city of great expectations, is it time to settle for what you can get? There's a moment in every relationship where romance gives way to reality. Practically all the relationships I know are based on a foundation of lies and mutually except delusion.Little miss sunshine 《阳光小美女》Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap 这部电影和其他励志片最大的区别就是,它没有给坚信追寻的过程赋予一个幸福的ending。苦难成就人生,也唯有苦难,才会留给我们最有回味的回忆。人生中布满着机会,不过也许挫折会更多。有时分,只要自己用力推自己一把,便又连续上路了。而在路上总胜于原地踏步。经典对白: Luck is the name losers give to their own failings. It's about wanting to win, willing yourself to win. Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level and that's step four in the program. A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.Million dollar baby 《百万美元宝贝》也许这世界上没有一件事情是简朴透明的,理想也如此。麦琪和弗兰基的理想比现实要沉重的多。因为过于沉迷理想和信仰,他们被压垮了。那些执迷信仰的人请记住罗素这句话:我绝不会为了信仰而献身,因为信仰可能是错的。经典对白: Boxing is about respect - getting it for yourself and taking it away from the other guy. Frankie liked to say that boxing is an unnatural act, that everything in boxing is backwards. Sometimes best way to deliver a punch is step back. It’s the rule - always protect yourself.The princess diaries《公主日记》很多女孩子都做过变成公主的梦。只是家家都有一本难念的经,公主也不是那么好当的。看看这位新晋公主的日记你就会明白:只有不断努力进步才是硬道理。经典对白: Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.Fast food nation 《快餐帝国》忙碌的生活节奏使得快餐成为我们经常的饮食选择。然而快餐对健康的负面影响却是特别严重。这部电影为您揭露快餐工业的种种黑幕,相信您看过后会对健康的生活方式做出更明智的选择。经典对白:Don't just hope. You can't sit back and hope. You have to do something. In a town like this, hope will kill you.A walk in the clouds《云中漫步》任何一个处在困境中的女孩听到"There's me."这句话,都会感动得一塌糊涂。一部浪漫、唯美、纯情的电影,让我们一起来在云中散个步。经典对白: Miss Aragon.Victoria. There's me.

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