When You Believe

   2014-02-10 0
核心提示:When You Believe:希望虽然渺茫,却不可磨灭 ----Whitney Mariah 两位超级女歌手玛丽亚凯丽与惠特尼休斯顿为迪斯尼影片《埃及王子》联袂配唱的主题曲。——电影中,《When You Believe》是对摩西率领希伯莱人出埃及的回眸与

When You Believe:希望虽然渺茫,却不可磨灭 ----Whitney Mariah

两位超级女歌手玛丽亚凯丽与惠特尼休斯顿为迪斯尼影片《埃及王子》联袂配唱的主题曲。——电影中,《When You Believe》是对摩西率领希伯莱人出埃及的回眸与赞颂,它让我们相信希望虽渺茫却不可磨灭,它告诉我们只要你相信你就能做到——如果明明白苦难的追寻不能保证美满的结局,多少人还会执着于信念?多少人还会心怀希望?多少人还会为看似遥不可及的梦坚定付出?

When You Believe 歌词

Marich Carey Whitney Houston

many nights we pray
with no proof anyone could hear
and our hearts a hopeful song
we barely understood
now we are not afraid
although we know there's much to fear
we were moving mountains long
before we know we could
there can be miracles
when you believe
though hope is frail
it's hard to kill
who knows what miracles
you can achieve
when you believe
somehow you will
you will when you believe
in this time of fear
when prayer so often proves in vain
hope seems like the summer birds
too swiftly flown away
and now i am standing here
my heart's so full i can't explain
seeking faith and speaking words
i never thought i'd say
there can be miracles
when you believe (when you believe)
though hope is frail
it's hard to kill
who knows what miracles
you can achieve (you can achieve)
when you believe
somehow you will
you will when you believe
they don't always happen when you ask
and it's easy to give in to your fear
but when you're blinded by your pain
can't see your way safe through the rain
thought of a still resilient voice
says love is very near
there can be miracles (miracles)
when you believe (when you believe)
though hope is frail
it's hard to kill
who knows what miracles
you can achieve (you can achieve)
when you believe
somehow you will
you will when you believe
you will when you believe
you will when you believe
just believe
you will when you believe

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