
   2017-01-12 应届毕业生网0
核心提示:  西方商务文化你知道多少呢?下面是小编搜集整理的西方商务文化,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!  西方商务文化 Western Business Culture-I  In the west, most companies have well-established and identifiable lines of organization. Larger compan


  西方商务文化 Western Business Culture-I

  In the west, most companies have well-established and identifiable lines of organization. Larger companies have a clear division of corporate and field roles. Responsibility for all activities is well-established according to function.

  在西方, 大多数公司都已形成自己的明确的组织体系。较大的公司对于公司总部和总部以外的业务活动也有清晰的划分。根据不同的职能明确各项职责。

  Basically all employees at medium to large-sized western companies have an official, documented job description. Titles are usually indicative of rank and status. Titles are normally used to describe various positions, but are not used when addressing the person.


  Basically, all western employees are covered by an employee contract, from a hamburger flipper to the CEO of a major corporation. All employee contracts are enforceable by law, and both employees and employers can be held liable for any unauthorized violation of a contract. The terms and conditions can vary widely from one company to another, from one profession to another, and from one position to another.

  在西方,基本上所有的雇员都受劳动合同的保护,从卖汉堡的到大公司的首席执行官。所有劳动合同都受法律保护,雇员和雇主都要为违反劳动合同的行为负责。合同的条款和规定可以因公司的不同、职业的不同、 职位高低的不同而有所差别。

  In the west, clear delineation and classification of job responsibilities are instrumental in creating a strong company culture. Everybody is accountable, from the head of the company down to the lowest-level employee. This approach creates a sense of direction, generates staff cohesion, and enhances morale.


  西方商务文化 Western Business Culture-II

  When meeting someone in a western business setting, conversation usually remains focused on business matters and business topics. Family and/or personal matters are not brought up, especially the first time you meet. Conversations stick to the business purpose at hand and remain objective and professional.

  当在西方的商务场合中会见某人时,对话通常围绕着一些商业问题或商业话题,而不会涉及家庭和个人问题,特别是第一次见面时。对话会紧扣眼前的商业目标, 从而保持它的客观性和专业性。

  western clients and customers are not expecting an overly friendly conversation when they make a business call. They expect some deGREe of professionalism. If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else!


  In western business culture, making an appointment is commonplace for most business dealings. Most company personnel are on a tight schedule, and it saves your time and theirs by planning ahead and scheduling appointments.


  Project management is a key methodology that western businesses use on a regular basis to solve problems, to launch new products and services, and to maximize the use of personnel. Project management teams are usually comprised of members who have the highly specialized skills appropriate for the project and who can perform at maximum efficiency for the company.



  comprise; compose "包含,构成 "

  The Union comprises 50 states.


  Fifty states compose (or constitute or make up ) the Union.


  西方商务文化 Western Business Culture-III

  For many western employees, praise and criticism are also tied to a regular review process (often an annual review), where they can be rewarded if their work quality has achieved or exceeded company standards. Most western companies avoid negative criticism because it can be demoralizing and counter-productive.


  Most western companies are fairly strict about employees wearing the proper business attire and presenting themselves in a professional way. This applies to all white-collar employees, and sometimes to blue-collar workers as well. In some cases, employees may be required to wear some kind of company uniform. Any employee who refuses to adhere to company policy can be disciplined.


  Gossiping is human nature. Lots of people do it. Mild gossip is usually harmless, but excessive gossip should be avoided, especially in a business environment. Although western companies tolerate gossip, they do not encourage it, and they are definitely against rumors and rumor-mongering.


  In most western businesses, employee expenses are the single largest cost of doing business. western salaries and benefits usually constitute at least 50% of a company’s expenses. For each employee, the company pays base salary, makes contributions for pens【爱英语 爱生活 爱上英语翻译学习网(www.enfanyi.com)分享时尚英语资讯】ion plans, medical plans, etc., and pays for office space, furniture, supplies, etc. In addition, they cover the cost of other benefits (paid vacations, sick days, etc.) with no productivity gained.


  It’s quite common practice for western businesses to lay off employees during times of economic upheaval, company reorganization / restructuring, and downsizing. There is no GREat stigma associated with being laid off. When employees are laid off, they are usually given a package to ease the pain of being severed from the company.


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